Patterns of Love

Lifeline of Ohio's Newest Donor Memorial Quilt

Lifeline of Ohio's Donor Memorial Quilts are a symbol of comfort and hope as they travel throughout our service area, inspiring all who see them. Each unique quilt square tells the story of a generous individual who gave the gifts of life, sight and healing to others.

On Angels’ Wings Quilt This quilt showcases those special angels who have touched the lives of so many.
Forever in Our Hearts Quilt Forever in our hearts live the ones we love. This quilt features their tributes.
The Gift of Hope Quilt What a powerful gift - to give hope.  These are the stories of those who gave in order that another may have hope for the future.
Services through Giving Quilt Service to others is one of the highest forms of love.  This quilt features the stories of some amazing people, as told by those who love them best.
We Remember Quilt So many sweet memories live on in the hearts of the families who remember donors with love.
The Heroes Forever Quilt These heroes will live forever in the hearts of so many. 

Create a Quilt Square

Donor families have the opportunity to make a quilt square in honor of their loved one for our Lifeline of Ohio Donor Memorial Quilts. If your loved one was an organ, eye or tissue donor within the Lifeline of Ohio service area and you are interested in creating a quilt square in their memory, please use these ideas as a guide:

  • The quilt square can be as simple or complex as you wish—it’s your tribute to your loved one.
  • Please use any 12-inch square of material you would like. The completed square (embellished area) must measure 12 inches x 12 inches, with approximately ½-inch borders.
  • There are a variety of techniques to decorate a quilt square, including appliqué, cross stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, sewing, fabric paint, crayons, stenciling, photo transfers, pieces of clothing, school letters and sports emblems.
  • Using a variety of color makes your quilt square stand out. Be creative.
  • You are encouraged to include the name of your loved one and any significant dates, events, hobbies, accomplishments, nicknames, hometown, etc. on the quilt square.

If you have any questions, please fill out the form below or contact

Quilt Square Inquiry

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Display a quilt

The Lifeline of Ohio Donor Memorial Quilts are available for public exhibits and events. Please contact us at 800-525-5667 or fill out the form below to arrange for a quilt display in your area.