We hold ourselves to the highest standards

Lifeline of Ohio has a Corporate Compliance & Ethics Program to define our ethical standards, principles and values. This program provides staff and board members guidance in complying with the laws and regulations that govern our business activities.  An essential part of our Corporate Compliance & Ethics Program is Lifeline of Ohio’s Code of Conduct which outlines how we can maintain high ethical standards in our work, which is vital to Lifeline of Ohio’s mission.

There are several ways individuals can report compliance and ethical issues or concerns. Please use any of the following methods to submit your questions or concerns:

By Phone:
Global Compliance Hotline: (800) 460.0118 (Can remain anonymous if no identifying or contact information is shared)

Submit a report online– http://lifelineofohio.ethicspoint.com (Can remain anonymous if no identifying or contact information is shared)

By Mail:
Attn: Compliance Officer
Lifeline of Ohio
770 Kinnear Road
Columbus, Ohio 43212
(Can remain anonymous if no identifying or contact information is shared)

Reach the Corporate Compliance Officer directly:
Local Phone: (614) 384.7339

All calls and reports will be treated fairly and all communications will be answered personally by the Compliance Officer and will be kept in confidence.