The power to give comes from every member of our community
Lifeline of Ohio values the diversity throughout our service area. We work diligently to empower members from all communities to make an informed donation decision.
Our outreach addresses misconceptions related to specific racial and ethnic communities, LGTBQIA+, as well as religious; ensuring everyone in our community is aware they have the power to give a lifesaving gift. Our outreach and participation in events geared towards multiple communities, allows us to support all individuals in making an informed decision for themselves.

¡Done Vida!
Con los hispanoamericanos que representan más del 20 por ciento de los que esperan un trasplante de órganos que les salve la vida, vemos la importancia de asegurarnos de que los miembros de esta comunidad tengan la información que necesitan para tomar una decisión informada sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos.

Empowering multicultural communities through outreach efforts
African American Outreach
Get Rooted. Save lives. Learn more about this groundbreaking outreach campaign to the Black community in partnership with the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Columbus.
- African Americans make up 28 percent of those waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant with more than 29,000 individuals waiting for a kidney nationwide.
- To enhance our mission in the African American and Black community, we partner with organizations like The Links, Inc., The Columbus Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club and leaders of the faith community to ensure members receive the information needed to save lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. Participation in community events, such as the African American Male Wellness Walk, the Linden Community Festival and the work of our African American Community Advisory Council, enables Lifeline of Ohio to spread the Donate Life message of hope and healing while acknowledging that Black Lives Matter in life and beyond.
Asian Pacific Islander Outreach
There are currently more than 12,000 people of the Asian American Pacific Islander population who are currently waiting for a lifesaving transplant nationwide. Members of this community participate in living donation at higher rates than their counterparts, allowing for more lives to be saved.
Lifeline of Ohio partners with various community groups and agencies, including Columbus Public Health, to share donation information with members of this community. One of our largest outreach opportunities for this community is our participation at the Asian Festival.
For more information on Asian Pacific Islander and kidney disease, access the National Kidney Foundation website.
Faith-Based Outreach
When a family is faced with losing a loved one, they often reach out to their faith leader for support, spiritual guidance and to ask about their faith’s perspective on organ, eye and tissue donation. When faith leaders encourage their members to learn the facts and to register their donation decision before a family crisis, the burden of making a decision is lessened.
To ensure faith communities have all of the resources they need, Lifeline of Ohio provides faith leaders and congregations with free educational materials. Lifeline of Ohio also participates in faith-based community events, partners with faith leaders and congregations for special events such as a “A Hero’s Tribute” and sponsors faith-based events and presentations.
Latinx Outreach
With members of the Latinx community making up more than 20 percent of those waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, Lifeline of Ohio sees the importance of making sure members of this community have the information they need to make an informed decision about organ, eye and tissue donation.
Partnerships with community groups such as Columbus Public Health and the Hispanic/Latino Collaborative ensure that Lifeline of Ohio is able to meet and connect with community members to provide this important information.
LGBTQIA+ Outreach
As a national leader in the field of donation education designed to serve the a LGBTQIA+ community, Lifeline of Ohio connects with community members to help them understand that how they identify does not hinder their ability to be a registered organ, eye and tissue donor.
As one of the first organ procurement organizations in the country to participate in LGBTQIA+ community events, to create a community-based committee to guide efforts and outreach and to put together a media campaign focused towards the LGBTQIA+ community, Lifeline of Ohio is proud to lead this important outreach initiative.
Through participation in community events, such as PRIDE, and with the assistance of our community committee, Lifeline of Ohio is able to spread the message, “My Pride Lives On.”
With the passing of the HOPE Act in 2013, Lifeline of Ohio is also educating the community that there is no longer a ban preventing anyone living with HIV from being a registered organ donor.
Senior Outreach
Did you know the oldest donor in the United States was 92 years old? With more than 30 percent of deceased donors over the age of 50, Lifeline of Ohio wants everyone to know they can register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor, no matter their age.
Through our senior outreach program, we are able to spread the message that everyone has the potential be a donor. Our program equips members of the senior population with the tools they need to make an informed decision and to share that decision with their family.
Somali Outreach
The Central Ohio area continues to grow in diversity, and our Somali population, growing to more than 45,000, is no exception. Lifeline of Ohio partners with community groups and agencies, including Columbus Public Health, to share information about organ, eye and tissue donation with members of the Somali community.
We are currently developing translated brochures to further empower members of this community to make an informed decision about donation.
Multicultural resources
In addition to providing education and community outreach, Lifeline of Ohio has a number of resources that are available to help explain the multicultural donation experience:
Donation Organizations
The Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) and the Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP) support their partners in the transplant field as they save and heal lives in our diverse communities. These organizations are essential in guiding the outreach that Lifeline of Ohio participates in.
Living Donation
Lifeline of Ohio facilitates deceased organ, eye, and tissue donation, and we champion those interested in saving a life while they are living. With over 66,000 people of a multicultural background waiting for a life-saving kidney transplant, the need for living donors is undeniable. Learn more about the transplant program at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Donation Statistics
The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) provides vital statistical information in helping to better understand the multicultural experience in donation. Visit UNOS to learn more.
Faith Perspective
Learn more about your religion’s perspective on donation.