John B. Mullins IV

Recipient Feb 27, 2010
A Battle I Couldn’t Win Alone Breathing became a battle, one I was determined to win. And I did! My name is Lisa Savage, and I received a life-saving, double-lung transplant on February 2, 2000. On that cold, winter's night, a very heroic family saved my life.
Donor Feb 26, 2010
The Love of a Father We have received a letter from Lifeline of Ohio informing us of the 5 lives that Chad saved. Donating Chad's organs is the only thing from this tragedy that makes any sense.
Donor Feb 26, 2010
Precious things to Accomplish My wife, Veldene Staller, was a very kind and religious person. She was most assuredly one of God's faithful helpers. She was loved very much by her husband, three children and grandchildren, and her friends from church and everywhere.
Donor Feb 26, 2010
Our Son, Eric Our lives are entwined in so many, many ways precious moments and fond memories grow each and every day.
Donor Feb 26, 2010
My Mom- More than just a Soccer Mom My mother, Laurie Hughes, was what you would call an avid soccer mom. She enjoyed doing things with her children, and attending their events and games. She participated in every possible way that she could.
Donor Feb 26, 2010
Miracles Happen Christopher was injured in an accidental shooting at his grandparents house. The bullet entered his leg, which scattered the bone. Five weeks and three days later during surgery, he died due to an air embolism to the heart.

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