John B. Mullins IV

Recipient Mar 1, 2010
Shave that Goatee! In 1999, I was told I would eventually need a kidney/pancreas transplant and that I needed to begin dialysis immediately. Being placed on the national transplant waiting list gave me hope.
Donor Feb 28, 2010
Big Angel Wings Bud was in a bad accident September 25, 2002. He was unconscious when they arrived at the scene. They had to put him on life support and life flighted him to St. Rita's Trauma Center.
Recipient Feb 28, 2010
Swimming for Life Back in 1981 when I should have been having fun, to the docs I was sent when my energy was gone. “Your kidneys,” they said “aren’t functioning as they should.” “They’ll probably get worse. Nothing can be done.” I was only seventeen.
Recipient Feb 27, 2010
A Story of Thanks When I moved from East Africa to the United States in the fall of 1997 as a refugee I was hoping for a better life. A few years later, in 2001, at the age of 20, I started feeling ill. Before I was diagnosed with kidney disease, I had never heard of it.
Recipient Feb 27, 2010
Angels on Earth I have a 28-year-old aunt in Ohio who had a childhood illness that caused her heart to age much quicker than it should. They did not realize the damage that the illness had caused until later in her life. Right now her heart is like that of a 90-year-old woman.
Recipient Feb 27, 2010
Faith, Family & Friends Hello, my name is Carl Cook, I’m 53 years old and I live in Wintersville, Ohio. I want to tell you a brief story of my transplant experience.

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