Lifeline of Ohio’s Placenta Donation Program

The birth of a baby offers the opportunity to help others through the Lifeline of Ohio Placenta Donation Program.

Potential donors include all expectant mothers who are:

If you are interested in donating your placenta, or have questions regarding donation, please click the button below to fill out our interest form. The link will take you to a secure, third-party HIPAA compliant site to enter your information.

After submitting this form, a Lifeline of Ohio staff member will follow up with you. You can also contact us by emailing

participating hospitals with approximately 110 OB/GYN participating practices in the Placenta Donation Program.
healing grafts are made (on average) from one donated placenta.
placentas have been donated since the program's inception in 2019.

*figure as of January 30, 2025
healing grafts have been created thanks to generous moms and their babies.

What can be donated?

The placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic membranes. There are multiple components in placental tissue that have the potential to help patients heal, including the placenta, amniotic membranes and the umbilical cord. The amniotic membranes have been used for decades to promote healing. Currently, amniotic membranes are used for a wide range of procedures involving eye, oral and spine surgery and for the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and burns.

Who Can Be Helped?

Your gift may benefit patients who have a variety of medical needs. Amniotic membrane grafts are used primarily for wound care and surgical applications to promote natural healing and reduce pain, inflammation and scarring.

Participating Hospitals

Currently, Lifeline of Ohio is working with the following partners as of January 1, 2025.

  • Adena Regional Medical Center
  • Avita Health System-Galion Hospital
  • Avita Health System-Ontario Hospital
  • Fairfield Medical Center
  • Genesis HealthCare System
  • Holzer Medical Center – Gallipolis
  • Knox Community Hospital
  • Licking Memorial Hospital
  • Lima Memorial Hospital
  • Marietta Memorial Hospital
  • Memorial Hospital
  • Mercy Health – St. Rita’s Medical Center
  • Mount Carmel East Hospital
  • Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital
  • Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Hospital
  • OhioHealth Berger Hospital
  • OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital
  • OhioHealth Doctors Hospital
  • OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
  • OhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital
  • OhioHealth Grant Medical Center
  • OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital
  • OhioHealth Pickerington Methodist Hospital
  • OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
  • OhioHealth Southeastern Medical Center
  • Southern Ohio Medical Center
  • The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
  • WVU Medicine – Camden Clark Medical Center

Stories of healing

New graft method heals 3-year wound Published in The Marietta Times
Wound healing brings hope for organ transplantation Story courtesy of MTF Biologics
Healing times two!

Placenta donation in the news

Placenta donation through Lifeline of Ohio honors late family member Published in The Coshocton Tribune
A mom shares her placenta donation story
Lifeline of Ohio Placenta Donation Program Celebrates 1,000 Donations Milestone Lifeline of Ohio is proud to celebrate the milestone of 1,000 placentas donated through its Placenta Donation Program, which began in 2019 with one hospital participating.

Frequently asked questions

Who do I contact to learn more information about this program?

For questions about our program, please contact our Placenta Program Coordinator at

Is placenta donation related to cord blood donation or research?

No. Placenta donation is not related to cord blood donation.

Can any expectant mother donate?

Any expectant mother, of any age, with a planned C-section delivering at a participating hospital can be a potential donor.

Is there a cost associated with donating my placenta?

No. You will not be responsible for any costs related to placenta donation.

Will my decision to donate affect the medical care of my baby or me?

There is no risk to you or your baby. The placenta will be acquired after your baby is delivered. Your provider has not been asked to change or adapt his/her procedure for the purposes of participating in this program. Also, donation will not proceed if, at the time of your delivery, your provider determines the placenta needs further pathological testing.

Will I be monetarily compensated for my donation?

No. The National Organ Transplant Act (Public Law 98-507) prohibits the sale of human organs, corneas and tissues.