John B. Mullins IV

Donor Feb 24, 2010
The Power of Donation My role in the donation process leaves me feeling honored and blessed. I am so touched every time I hear the survival stories of transplant recipients and donor families.
Recipient Feb 15, 2010
“Some Day” Had Come The words, "Some day you may need a liver transplant", were spoken by my doctor after being one of the first diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1990. It was a concern, but I never really thought I would be affected that seriously.
Recipient Jan 15, 2010
My Tissue Transplant Changed My Life I was excited when my three-year-old son, Alec, started riding a bike in April 2003.  We rode regularly for a couple weeks and enjoyed goofing around together.  I was trying to be a stuntman for him and while attempting a wheelie I felt a sharp pain in my neck.  I didn’t think much of the injury at the time.
Recipient Dec 15, 2009
A Blessed Survivor “You look terrific…so much color…so full of life!” These were my husband’s, Phil, first words to me as I awoke from my kidney transplant surgery. Some 13 hours earlier, while we waited for our dinner to be served at Max and Erma’s, my cell phone rang. I answered and it was “The Call.”
Recipient Oct 2, 2009
Seeing is Believing In July of 2004 I was given the gift of a left cornea by another heroic donor so I would have binary vision. It has been the greatest gift I could ever receive.
Recipient Oct 2, 2009
A Hug and a Kiss At the end of the day, I am grateful for the fact that I am here and I am able to just be. I am able to be a mother to my son and offer love and guidance when he needs it.

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