The Power of One

The Power of One quilt represents the power one organ donor has to potentially save eight and heal more than 75 lives through tissue donation.
Unveiled at our Donor Family Reception on April 6, 2013, the quilt features 22 squares celebrating heroes of donation – organ, eye and tissue donors.
Dean Poole II
Dean was an amazing young man, very strong and would help anyone. He loved fishing, hunting, camping, going mudding and Chevy trucks. He also loved animals, especially his goat Bo and his cat Charlie. The best way to describe Dean would be blue jeans tucked in his muddy boots with his camo or chevy ball cap. The more mud on his truck, the more country it made him. He loved his family and his first love Sarah, very dearly. We will see him again someday.
Loved and Missed,
Dad, Mom, Sister, Bother-In-Law, Sarah, Mamaw and Family
Dennis L. Moriarty
We will always remember our dad, Dennis L. Moriarty. Dad was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1940 and lived all of his life in Ohio. He was an extremely hard worker and provided everything for his wife Elizabeth and three children, Kari, Colleen and William. Although his heart attack slowed his ability to work outside the home, he kept himself busy with his hobbies and interests- fishing, watching the Cleveland Indians, keeping tabs on the Buckeyes and chasing around his most prized possession, granddaughter Alexis. We are proud Dad chose to give the gift of life to someone else in 2002 and we miss him dearly.
John M. Hall
John M. Hall was a very sweet man. He always had a passion for living life to it’s fullest. He loved God, his family, covered bridges, Cleveland Indians baseball, Browns football, fishing, exploring, gardening, and spending time with his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. John was an organ and tissue donor to save and improve the lives of others in need. He was not only my husband. He was my best friend and the love of my life. I thanked God each day of the 33 years, one month and three days we were together on this earth. We were all blessed to have him in our lives. John, when my life on earth is through, I’ll meet you again in heaven.
With love always, Faith
Dr. Neal J. Aquino
Neal Joseph Aquino was born on July 23, 1977. He grew up as an exceptionally bright and curious child. He then bloomed into a magnificent man; skinny with a bright smile and a sharing, kind spirit. He was the most intelligent person you’ll meet, but he never let it get to his head. He was always ready and willing to help others, never complaining. Neal Aquino eventually became Dr. Neal Aquino and was often talked of as the best, most patient ER doctor with the most wonderful sense of humor. Neal passed away on August 27, 2007, not long after celebrating his 30th birthday. He lived such a full life and is missed dearly every day by his friends and family. This quilt square was cut from a shirt his sister designed in his memory of her big brother. His friends and family wore it as they walked and ran together at Neal’s favorite race, the annual Thanksgiving Day Race in Cincinnati, Ohio. We miss you so much Neal, and love you always!
The Aquino Family
Sis: That said it all. For 60 years, Dreama was her name to my family and to me. What a sister she was! She was that special person, that once in a lifetime and one that you will never meet again in this life.
God blessed all our lives with this beautiful person. As we were growing up, my sister and I formed a bond that even death cannot break. I think of her daily and strive to be more like her.
Dreama loved life, God and family. She was generous to a fault. Most of her gifts of giving were done quietly from her heart and compassionate soul. She was a great wife and mother; a very ambitious and hard worker. She was an artist, painter and loved to sew and decorate. She also loved to travel, and for many years, she and I would take road trips together. I will always hold the memories we shared dear.
She also loved children, and took them under her wing. She could play with the best of them. She was young at heart and a free spirit. She taught all of us the wonder of home and giving. I have not spoken to one person who ever had a harsh word for her. Her death was such a loss for us all, but a blessing in heaven.
Her generous giving spirit lives on by her gift of life, healing and sight for those who received her precious gifts through donation. We all should follow her example.
With thoughts of her always, her sister