New Collaboration with FCCO will Save and Heal More Lives
The Franklin County Coroner’s Office (FCCO) and Lifeline of Ohio are collaborating to launch a new interface called the Heart System, which will allow both organizations to easily share donor recovery information.
FCCO currently uses the MDILog system to track their coroner cases, similar to iTransplant. The Heart System is an interface between iTransplant and MDILog that allows Lifeline of Ohio to receive direct referrals in iTransplant from the coroner and allow both organizations to share donor information.
“This system will allow more families to have the option of donation and will increase our number of tissue and cornea donors,” said Bridget Gipper, Lifeline of Ohio Director of Tissue and Donation Support Services.
Also, beginning in January 2024, FCCO will notify Lifeline of Ohio regarding scene deaths, which are FCCO case deaths that occur outside of a hospital (i.e., a car crash where the decedent was pronounced dead onsite and not brought to a hospital). Lifeline of Ohio clinical teams will be able to recover tissue and corneas from these donor heroes utilizing facilities at the new FCCO building.
Lisa Oestreicher, Lifeline of Ohio’s Funeral Home/Coroner Liaison, started conversations for the Heart System implementation in early 2022 and has been working on it for most of 2023. She said, “The Heart System along with scene death referrals are important steps in not only streamlining processes but also growing our relationship with FCCO and ultimately saving and healing more lives.”