Experienced Ambassadors gather for a time of learning and connection
What began as a refresher course in donation turned into an incredible time of learning, sharing stories and supporting one another as our Donate Life Ambassadors gathered for the first ever Back-to-Basics training.
Seasoned Ambassadors, who have served at Lifeline of Ohio for at least two years or more, were invited to attend the training, which took place at the Lifeline of Ohio office on the morning of Saturday, December 7. The training was designed to update Ambassadors on changes in the donation community, as some of them had not been trained in over 20 years. By a show of hands, it was determined that the Ambassadors in attendance had more than 100 years of service combined!
Volunteer Coordinator Molly Craig, who planned and led the training, was pleased with the way the morning went. “It was a room full of so much love. This is such a special group and it was so wonderful to see them and hear their experiences.”
The training began with a tour of the newly-remodeled office space, then followed with Molly providing information updates and allowing space for questions, conversation and sharing. Outreach Coordinator Jenny Hudak finished the training with community event updates.
Addressing the group, Jenny shared, “I am truly humbled by you. When we’re at an event and you start sharing your stories, I stand back and listen and think what a privilege it is for me to be there.”
The plan is to offer a Back-to-Basics training once per year.