Lifeline of Ohio Presents at AMAT
During the first week of October, Lifeline of Ohio team members presented at the 31st annual Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) conference. AMAT is a volunteer association supporting partners in the transplant field as they save and heal lives in our diverse communities.
Family Services Manager Becki Boyd, Multicultural Program Manager Laurise Johnson and Chief Communications Officer Sharon Cindrich joined the AMAT Latino Workgroup to share Lifeline of Ohio’s Spanish Bridge video during a breakout session titled, “Uniendo Fuerzas para Crear un Puente que Salve Vidas – Joining Forces in Creating a Bridge to Donation.”
The short testimonial video is dubbed in Spanish and features donor families who share feelings of gratitude that their loved one was able to leave a legacy through donation. It is used to bridge language barriers during approaches with Spanish-speaking families. Our teams began using this video in January of 2023.
Since then, 11 donors have given the gift of life, sight and healing, 23 organs have been transplanted and 6 organs have gone for research. While it is still early to tell, authorization rate is up approximately 10% compared to the past several years for this community.
- Watch the Spanish Bridge video here.
- Check out Lifeline of Ohio’s AMAT PowerPoint presentation here.
- Learn more about AMAT here.