2016 Transplant Games of America Recap!
The 2016 Transplant Games of America were incredible! Held in Cleveland from June 10-15, Team Ohio had more than 700 members and brought home 197 medals!
It was a week-long celebration of the Gift of Life and healing. Donors, both living and deceased, were honored as well as donor families. Through tears, hugs, words of encouragement and high-fives, it was clear why everyone was there – to give thanks for the second chance at life through organ, eye and tissue donation.
Team Ohio members reflect:
Tracy, liver transplant recipient – “Talking to donor families was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The courage they show by going to these events just floored us! This was my first Games and God willing, not my last. For me, my personal highlight was being presented bronze medals from donor moms and one telling me “thank you for taking such good care of your gift.”
Victoria, kidney transplant recipient – “The highlight of the Games for me this year was winning the gold medal in mixed doubles bowling with my amazing husband who, without Team Ohio, I wouldn’t have in my life!”
Edward, kidney transplant recipient – “Participating in the 2016 Transplant Games meant the world to me, as it gave me and other transplant recipients an opportunity and platform in front of thousands to express our gratitude and appreciation to our donor and/or donor family for blessing us with a new lease on life.”
Matt, tissue recipient –“The most amazing part was having a common bond with complete strangers. It was really cool to just walk up to someone and tell them your story and have them listen without pity and with full understanding of what you’ve been through. It is so important for those who have been through difficult times to have a strong network of peers that understand and can relate.”
View all the photos from the Transplant Games here!