New Community Report Illustrates the Power of Donation

October marks Lifeline of Ohio’s 30th anniversary, and to help illustrate the power of organ, eye and tissue donation, Lifeline of Ohio released a new community report.
With the mission-focused print piece in hand, we interviewed Lifeline of Ohio CEO Kent Holloway on what the document’s purpose is and how the organization plans to use it.
Q: What does Lifeline of Ohio hope to accomplish with this new print piece?
A: We want to educate and inform as to our mission our vision and values. This piece will hopefully emphasize that we are “unique” in that we connect the gift with the recipient!
Q: Who is/are the intended audience/s of the print piece?
A: I think the piece will be very versatile for us. The initial audience will be our valued community partners in donation.
Q: Why do you think it is valuable for Lifeline of Ohio to share its vision, mission, volunteer stories, etc. with the public through this print piece?
A: One way to succeed in our work is to openly share our vision, mission and stories. We rely on the essential partnerships in our community to understand the service we provide and the difference it makes in the lives of so many. By sharing our vision, mission and stories through this resource, we can more strongly align with those we serve.
On the cover of the resource, young heart recipient Avrie Nelms is held by mom Melissa Nelms, a moment that wouldn’t have been possible without Avrie’s organ donor. Learn more about Avrie’s story here.
Visit the ‘Our Connections’ page or click here to view the full document: Lifeline of Ohio Community Report 2014