Three Kings Day Toy Drive for the Holidays Benefits Local Families

The Columbus Crew and the Ohio Hispanic Coalition are partnering with Done Vida to bring toys and clothes to Latino families in need this holiday season.
The Toy Drive for “del Dia de Los Reyes Magos” or Three Kings Day helps provide gifts and necessities to ensure Latino children in Columbus are remembered on the observance of the Magi’s visit to Bethlehem. Toys will be collected in distribution bins located at seven la Michoacana locations through January 2. The donated items will be handed out on January 4 at the Three Kings Day celebration. You can nominate a child to receive toys by notifying the Ohio Hispanic Coalition at (614) 840-9934, or clicking here.
Chris Previte, Vice President, Corporate Partnerships of the Columbus Crew said the event is always a favorite because it brings the community together through gift-giving and receiving to celebrate a joyous holiday tradition.
“We are delighted to participate in an event that impacts so many children. We are proud to be active locally within the Hispanic community and equally proud to work with our partners Lifeline of Ohio and La Michoacana to deliver joy this holiday season.”
In addition, Lifeline of Ohio will share the opportunity for families to give the “gift of life” at the event and help those interested register to donate. The holidays are a time for giving, and the event helps attendees learn how they can save and heal lives as a registered organ donor.
For more information on the Toy Drive, click here.