Teaming Up for Donation: “Champions for Life”
On July 9, a group of 28 co-workers will hit the streets of downtown Columbus to support a cause that affects them daily. Staff members from the Franklin County Coroner’s Office will participate in their second Dash for Donation in support of organ and tissue donation.
“We want to help our community see the impact of organ and tissue donation in central Ohio,” said Rachel Yinger, a toxicologist and “Champions for Life” team captain.
The Coroner’s Office partners with Lifeline of Ohio to honor donors’ wishes to give the “Gift of Life” after death. Because of the commitment of Dr. Jan Gorniak and her staff, in the past two years there have been no denials for organ and tissue donors from the Franklin County Coroner’s Office. That means, that when someone has the potential to donate, the teams work together so seamlessly that donation can occur and the coroner’s office can still determine cause of death.
“Our partnership means we don’t miss the potential for donation,” said Yinger. She added that they often hear from families who appreciate the efforts of the Coroner’s Office to honor their loved ones’ wishes in addition to performing an autopsy.
Yinger and her colleagues will walk and run in the 5K at the Dash for Donation to honor the donors and families who they have worked with over the years. “The donor remembrance wall is especially powerful for us,” she said.
You can join the “Champions for Life” at the Dash for Donation on July 9! The 5K, 1K and Kids & Mascots Dash start at 8 a.m. in the Arena District. There’s still time to register and registered organ and tissue donors receive a discount! Click here to learn more.